Curiosity - A strong Desire to Know the Unknown


Quote by Vishal Rai

What is Curiosity?

Curiosity is a strong desire to know the unknown. It is an urge to learn facts and acquire knowledge. When a person seeks answers to questions, the curiosity motivates him/her to gain additional knowledge and information. It opens the mind to limitless expanse of knowledge. Curious people ask questions, read and explore. They are active about seeking information or experience and are willing to meet challenges and to broaden their horizons.


Is curiosity a choice?

Everything that humans have is certainly a result of someone’s curiosity. Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry, and learning. If it wasn't for someone's curiosity, we wouldn’t have the wheel, vehicles, computers and smartphones. 


Humans developed from hunting in stone age to conquer the cosmos in 21st century. These achievements were possible because of curiosity. So, for a civilization to thrive and progress, curiosity is as much needed as food, natural resources, strong economy and governance. Hence, curiosity cannot be optional, and we always need people who are curious to know the unknown.


If you are one of such people, then this website is dedicated to you. Here we will explore Mysteries & Unknowns and dive into the hypothetical scenarios and possibilities related to our Earth, Space, New Technologies and Humanity that we could all be curious about.


The most interesting questions start with "what would happen if..." and this blog is dedicated to answer such questions. In this blog, we will be providing food for your thoughts by posting answers to such curiosities. So, bookmark this link for such interesting content in future. You can also submit your ideas and scenarios using our contact us page or post your comment in the comments section. 


So, this is going to be an exciting journey into the hypothetical scenarios and possibilities. Please keep visiting our website for new contents.  


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Thank you!




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